Den’Jah Moore Stabbed Over 100 Times By Cheating Ex Veteran Baby Daddy & Set On Fire With Their Kids Because He Didn’t Get His Way

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Den’Jah Moore Thought She Had Found Her Soulmate When Charles Ivy Came Her Way Just As She Was Actively Looking For A Partner, She Had No Idea He Would Cheat On Her, And How Brutally He Would Take Her Out When He Didn’t Get His Way. Den’Jah “Nickie” Moore met and fell in love with Charles Leon Ivy in 2016 while she was attending Bethune-Cookman University in Florida. He was 27 years old and she was 23. Within a year she became pregnant and had her first child Dakotah in April of 2018. By mid 2018 she was pregnant again, and after giving birth to her beautiful daughter Dove in February of 2019, she decided to step her game up and started taking her hair care side hustle more seriously.  She already had a job, and so with 2 kids, a job, and her side hustle she barely had time for Charles.

He was a great father to his kids, and a good partner to her, and she thought they were living the perfect life. 

But Charles did not want their relationship to end, and he would spend months trying to get back with Den’Jah after she had moved out in January 2020. Den’Jah was not going back with Charles and after Charles realize she was seriously done, he decided he was done with their children. He wouldn’t go see them, wouldn’t take their calls, and he wouldn’t support them financially either. 

Charles was unhappy about being forced to pay child support and tried to get full custody in March 2020 so he wouldn’t have to pay child support, but he got joint custody instead. That wasn’t what he wanted, so he decided to ignore Den’Jah and their kids completely.

But the kids sure missed him, as he was a great dad to them. But when they would ask for him and Den’Jah try to reach him, he would pick up but only want to talk to her to see if she would come back to him. When she refused, he would just hang up without speaking to the kids at all.

Den’Jah would continue to call and text with the children’s special events such as birthdays, and she even offered to drop the kids off to him on weekends to facilitate ease of him seeing them. But he wasn’t interested! The kids and Den’Jah were a package deal to him, so if he didn’t have Den’Jah, he didn’t want the kids.

Because of that abuse, Den’Jah got full custody but Charles was still being held liable for child support. Charles was livid and he began to threaten Den’Jah to take him off child support, but Den’Jah needed the help and so she refused.

On November 20, 2023 Charles told his female friend he would be going to Den’Jah’s house after work to drop off money for his kids. When Charles got to Den’Jah’s apartment around 11pm and rang her bell, Den’Jah was startled and terrified to see him. He had been threatening her for 2 years but didn’t come to see her to carry out any of those threats, but now he was there and didn’t tell her he was coming. She was scared.

Den’Jah tried the close the door on Charles but he forced his way in. She then rushed to get her phone to call 911, but as soon as she grabbed the phone he wrestled her and took it away putting it in his pocket. And as she laid on her back on her living room floor where she ended up after he wrestled her, he was coming over her again and she kicked him really hard and he landed on the side of her center table. And as she tried to escape to her bedroom – barely getting there, he got up quickly furious, grabbed and slammed her really hard on her bedroom floor pulled out a knife and began stabbing her.

Then he walked out of the apartment to his car in the parking lot and remained there about 30 minutes looking at the house burning with his two kids – 4 and 5 years old, Den’Jah and her 10 month old baby in it, then driving off when he was sure no one could come out of the apartment alive.

But neighbors had called 911 and they raced to the scene, breached for entry and within seconds took out their 4 and 5 year old who were burnt but breathing and the 10 month old who was in cardiac arrest and rushed them to the hospital. Sadly, the 10 month old boy Messiah Calixte died at the hospital but the 4 year old girl Dove Ivy and 5 year old boy Dakotah Ivy survived and are healing physically, mentally, and emotionally.

He has been arrested and charged with two counts of first degree murder, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of first degree arson and is being held without bond at the Volusia County Jail – pending his trial.

Watch the heartbreaking documentary.

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4 responses to “Den’Jah Moore Stabbed Over 100 Times By Cheating Ex Veteran Baby Daddy & Set On Fire With Their Kids Because He Didn’t Get His Way”

  1. Christine Avatar

    Why won’t these damn men leave the babies out their mess!!!
    They didn’t ask to be here, didn’t ask you not to have protected sex, didn’t ask for none of it! Now they’re here and you don’t want to take care of them, and in your screwed up demented mind you think murdering them would solve your problem?! Such an evil, demonic jerk!!!
    And ladies, please set higher standards for yourselves!!! And for the life of me, don’t lower them for anyone!!!
    RIP baby Messiah 🕊💔

  2. Katherine Avatar

    😢😢😢 Can’t stop crying…RIP Den’Jah and baby Messiah 🕊🕊
    Full and speedy recovery to Dove and Dakotah 🧚🧚‍♂️
    I hope Charles Leon Ivy gets punished in this life and the next.

  3. Anthony Avatar

    She should have just taken him off child support but man he didn’t have to do her like that, that’s overkill. Sad sad sad. And poor babies, man! Why??? This too much, you did too much.

  4. 2GenieWin Avatar

    WOW! You know I always know people cruel but this man past cruel, how he wicked so? What kind of heart does he have to sit in his car and watch the house he set on fire burn with his own children inside?
    No, I can’t get past this one, too much 😭😭😭

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