Husband Wakes Up And Decides It’s Over Kills His Wife & 7 Year Old Daughter Then Himself

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According to 911 dispatchers when Steven called he said, “I just shot my wife and my daughter”. And when they asked him, “Do you think they’re still alive?” he said, “No, they’re not. They’re both dead.” When they asked him if he was still in possession of the gun he used to kill them, he said, “Yes, I still have it” and then he hung the phone up.  

“This is the biggest and worst thing that’s happened here,” said Molly Anderson, who lives at Bagshaw Mills with her father, Thomas Anderson.

“When I woke up, there was one cop out here, and then in like 15 minutes, there were 15 of them with their rifles running around,” Thomas said. He said he would run into the family who resided at Unit 22 quite often from day to day and described Kaydion and the 7-year-old girl as “super nice,” while describing Steven as “not much of a conversationalist”.

Kaydion and her daughter Giselle did not have a say in whether they live or die, the husband and father Steven decided he did not want to live anymore, but instead of taking out himself he took them out as well.

May their precious souls rest in peace!

But what is going on? Not only are men killing their women and wives, they’re taking out their little daughters too?!

Ladies, check in with your men, they seem to be under spiritual attack and you are the ones being at the brunt of the attacks.

Situations like this is unavoidable when you trust someone. How would the wife know he was going to wake up that morning and decide to kill her, their daughter and himself?! She couldn’t have known and she was vulnerable and unprepared, and she wasn’t given a choice.

Stay safe out there y’all!

And if staying alive is the goal, trust, no one!

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4 responses to “Husband Wakes Up And Decides It’s Over Kills His Wife & 7 Year Old Daughter Then Himself”

  1. 2GenieWin Avatar

    What!!!! This is hella heartbreaking 💔 It’s a sad state of affairs we’re all living in in this world when everyone is so quick to take a life at the drop of a dime. And listen, in this case I don’t want to hear about this man having mental health issues because he was cognizant enough to know that if he kill himself first he wouldn’t be able to kill his wife and child. God dang it he knew what he was doing! Can you imagine the shock and horror on that mom and daughter faces when they saw him with that gun pointing at them? Huzzy and daddy? Just sad 😪

  2. Janice Avatar

    This is horrendous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This woman had no say in the matter OMG! I wonder which one he took out first and if they were both in the same room when it happened. Traumatizing take out!
    But that’s good advice right there, check in with your men cause they be going through and you not know, which could lead to something like this. Staying single and relationship-free seems like the only option to remain alive these days. These men are taking us out!

  3. Desiree Avatar

    This shit is crazy 😲 I always wonder why these men don’t just take out themselves, why they have to take out the woman (and their kids) That little girl had her whole life ahead of her. I wonder why he did it, like really 🤔

  4. Gillian Avatar

    Such a pretty little girl just innocent as ever! Why did he have to kill her too? Maybe they both were having issues but why involve their daughter in it. This is so traumatizing to even read about can’t imagine what mom and daughter went through at the moment they realized that was it, if they even got a chance to be awake. How can something like this be prevented? This is not ok.

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