A Millionaire Vanished! Was She Found? And Did She Play A Part In Her Demise? | The Andreen McDonald Story

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Andreen McDonald Had Big Dreams, Dreams That She Knew Needed An Integral Part In Order To Be Materialized, And When Andre McDonald Approached Her in 2009 and Showed Interest In Having A Relationship With Her, She Knew That Would Be Her Opportunity To Realize Her Dreams. Being a U.S citizen, he was that integral part! Soon after, they were married, and Andreen was on her way to the United States of America where she would blossom and bloom to the tune of millions. Yes, within 6 years Andreen McDonald was a millionaire expanding her Home Health Care business to 3 facilities and was looking to open her 4th in 2019. 

She had become pregnant shortly after they got married and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Alayna who was born prematurely, and later turned out to be autistic. And they had filed for her mom Hyacinth Maureen to come and live with them in the U.S and help care for her. 

Did Andreen McDonald Play A Part In Her Demise

Even her good friend Carol Ghanbar warned her about the dangerous path she was taking – how she may end up killing Andre or Andre may end up killing her, but Andreen was too much in love with her first and only love Aubyn, to stop.  So she continued!

Biggest mistake by Andreen!

They argued intensely even in text after leaving H&R Block, and when they got home things escalated and Andreen ended up dead. Andre then packed her in his truck drove a couple miles and dumped her. When he got back to the house he was still upset with her, and so he packed some gasoline, a lighter, his hammer and drove back to where he dumped her body beating her while cursing at her then lighting her on fire. 

A Millionaire Vanishes – Andreen McDonald Cannot Be Found

Everyone who had Andre’s phone number was calling him, but he wouldn’t pickup. Carol decided to call a police friend of hers who told her to call Andreen’s mom first, then call 911. Andreen’s mom had come to live with them a few years prior in order to help them care for their baby Alayna, and she had started working at the Elder Care facility as a Manager. But that night a Manager who was suppose to be on duty called in sick, and Andreen’s mom was asked to fill in for her. So although she lived with them she was not there that night. She was aware they’ve been having issues, but murder was the last thing she expected. 

When she got home, she began to fear the worst. And as they were at the house waiting for authorities and looking around, Andre walked in and they all screamed at him, β€œwhere is Andreen?” He turned to go back outside but was met with authorities who asked him the same question, β€œwhere is Andreen?” He lied to the officers saying she was at the Baptist Emergency Hospital because she hurt herself, but one quick call to the hospital and it was confirmed Andre was lying. She wasn’t there! They then arrested him and took him in for questioning, but he refused to co-operate and answer any questions, instead he secured himself a lawyer. 

Andreen McDonald Skull & Bones Found

Authorities then got a search warrant and searched his house, finding a claw hammer with blood on it amongst other things, but it would take authorities 5 whole months before Andreen’s skull and bones would be found 6 miles from her home, in a field mixed in with cow bones.

The unimaginable had happened. 

I always say this and I’m saying it again, β€œa woman scorned will hurt you to the core, but a man scorned will kill you”.

And this was the case with Andreen McDonald. She had pushed her husband to become a man scorned and he killed her in the most horrendous way.

Of course he lied on the stand, trying to cover his a$$, saying they had a fight and she fell after which he kicked her twice and she died.

Like sir, what? Who ever died after being kicked twice?!

And while he was murdering her, however he murdered her, his daughter was seeing him do it and he didn’t realize. To this day he has no idea how much his daughter saw, but she relayed events to people in her life about what happened to her mother – and told them her dad hurt her mom.

Andre McDonald was later found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter in January of 2023 and sentenced to 20 years in prison with parole eligibility after 10 years served.

Watch this gut-wrenching documentary.

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10 responses to “A Millionaire Vanished! Was She Found? And Did She Play A Part In Her Demise? | The Andreen McDonald Story”

  1. Janice Avatar

    Lord have mercy this woman played herself bigtime 😲 how could she be so careless? What other outcome was she expecting after playing in this man’s face like that and then asking him to come back home only to finish using him?! She was one dumb woman for this and I can’t say I feel sorry for her. I’m sorry for that daughter who is now without a mother or father and for coming to the realization that her father killed her mother because she was trifling. Lord please be with that little girl πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

    1. Briana Avatar

      Definitely played herself Janice, and although we all know that man lied to the court on that stand, I empathize with him. She put him through hell to the point where years later he’s still angry like it happened yesterday. Ladies, let this be a warning, take note. Don’t be out here playing with men’s heart.

      1. Anthony Avatar

        Briana repeat that again for the ladies in the back. It may not end well for them.

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    She didn’t deserve what happened to her but she definitely played a major role in her demise, she was too greedy!

  3. Carla Avatar

    That’s a wicked wicked man! He couldn’t just walk away for his daughter’s sake? She already has major issues being autistic and all and now he took away the one main constant in her life. Wicked man and his sentence is way too light and lenient! #justiceforAndreen

  4. Katherine Avatar

    She did a whole lot of wrongs but by golly he did her too bad! How is their daughter going to get through this? What kind of human are we expecting to have in society when we tolerate situations like these hurting kids so immensely? They should have sent a stronger message that this behavior will not be tolerated by giving him more time. He was hurt but he didn’t have to kill her.

    1. Briana Avatar

      Katherine she should have thought about her daughter and stop creating the mess she was creating, digging a hole so deep so close to herself it was inevitable she would have fallen in it. They say don’t blame the dead but if we speak the truth maybe someone will learn from it and not create this scenario in their life.

  5. Michael Avatar

    She most definitely played a part in her demise! She had so much opportunity to make things right by not being greedy after being so unconscionable treating that man like shit, and she didn’t budge. She literally asked for what she got and I don’t feel an ounce of sorrow for her. None of them thought of how their actions would affect their daughter. Now she has become the main victim. So sad!!!

  6. She did this man so wrong, I’m not surprised he did what he did to her. She was literally begging to be hurt asking him to call off the divorce and return home only to do worst things than she was already doing. And her friend warned her to stop going about things the way she was yet she didn’t listen. I feel sorry for that baby girl πŸ˜’πŸ™ can’t imagine her confusion and pain.

  7. Sad to say but she asked for what she got.

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