Sade Robinson Was Excited To Go On First Date With Maxwell Anderson She Had No Idea He Was A Sadistic Psychopath

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Sade Robinson Went On First Date And Was DismemberedSade Robinson was excited to be going on a first date with a man she met online and had been communicating with for a while – a man she thought was normal, but who turned out to be a sadistic psychopath. After having a fun-filled family get together on Easter Sunday, Sade was in high spirits. She had looked forward to their get together as her other family members did, but neither Sade nor her family could predict that that would be the last time they would ever see each other.Β 

Earlier that morning April 2nd at around 7:32am, authorities got a call from a woman saying she is looking at a car burning in the alley way behind her house, and when authorities got there they were able to use the registration sticker on the car to quickly find out whose car it was. And it was Sade’s. Within a few hours, authorities got another call from a man saying he was walking along a beach area in Warnimont Park, Cudahy where he stumbled upon a human right foot with pink toenails at around 5:29pm. Detectives raced to the scene and took the leg away for quick DNA sampling. The leg was later confirmed to be Sade’s.

When Sade’s mom got the news that the leg they had found belonged to Sade, she was devastated. A mother’s worst nightmare had come true. She was so hurt and traumatized by the news she could not continue with the search. But her family, friends and community members kept the search going in the hopes of finding all of Sade.

The unimaginable had happened! Maxwell had scattered Sade’s body parts in various locations throughout Milwaukee City – specifically in public parks, and within the next few weeks Sade’s left foot, her torso, an arm and some flesh were discovered in 3 locations, one even near a kids playground at 30th and Lisbon where her car had been burned. 

Sade’s family and friends have not ceased searching since Sade had been missing, and they pledge to continue until all of Sade is found. They had found what they believed to be human body parts at 2 locations, but authorities have not confirmed if they were human remains, and if they were Sade’s. Authorities have since used boats to search in Lake Michigan where Sade’s leg, torso and arm was found, and they say they will continue to search for the rest of Sade.

Sade was a very ambitious and busy 19 year old young woman, working two full time jobs, while attending college full time pursuing an associate degree in Criminal Justice and was set to graduate in May of 2024. She loved life and she had big plans for her life. She had wanted to visit places like Jamaica and was able to do so this past January 2024. She planned on joining the US Air Force – following in the footsteps of other veterans in her family, such as her grandfather who was in the US Navy, and her uncle who was in the US Army. She was loved and adored by her family, friends, co-workers, and many other people with whom she crossed paths, and they all speak very highly of her care and compassion for others. 

Sade was a representation of what Maxwell couldn’t be, a bright light, and he wanted to put that out in the most demeaning way possible.

After returning from her solo trip to Jamaica, this is what Sade shared:

Sade Robinson about Solo Trip to Jamaica

So encouraging, and positive, and real! Sharing the good but also sharing how difficult it can be while getting to the good. 

The world has definitely lost a gem! Another gem! 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Scarbrough and Robinson families, as they navigate what will be one of their worst experiences in this lifetime. We hope every piece of Sade will be located, and soon, so her family can have a proper burial and find some form of peace.

May Sade’s precious soul rest in peace and may her family find the strength to get through this tragic tragedy, and in the end get the justice they desire and deserve.

Do you think this was Maxwell’s first time doing this to a woman? 

Watch this disturbing documentary.

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14 responses to “Sade Robinson Was Excited To Go On First Date With Maxwell Anderson She Had No Idea He Was A Sadistic Psychopath”

  1. Briana Avatar

    Imagine going on a first date having a good time and possibly thinking about the next date and how lucky you are to meet a potential partner – based on what he was showing her, only to realize when it’s too late and you’re trapped that you’ve been entertaining a monster all along!

    She seems like such a nice upbeat giving person, someone we all would be lucky to have as a friend, and all this demon could think of is hurting her in the most hurtful and demeaning way.

    Where is Sade’s head? I think they should make him tell them where exactly he put it. Such a devil!!!!!!!!!!

    And I think we should revisit our court/justice system. I mean how can he even be afforded bond after doing something horrendous like this, and how can one plea not guilty when the evidence are so overwhelming? Phone evidence place them together, video surveillance saw them together, her car put them together with where her body parts have been found, he was seen on video walking away from her burnt car, and witness saw him throw the lighter in the car after he doused it with gasoline and got out. And his defense is now asking for more time for the trial to start because authorities have boxes upon boxes of evidence they need to go through.

    This man is guilty as sin! Listen, let’s see where this trial goes, because so far he is being afforded way too much! #justiceforSade

    1. Jennifer Avatar

      I agree with you on all of this Briana πŸ’― There is no way he should be offered a bond and there is no way he should be able to plea not guilty, the evidence is too much at this point for that. If anything they need to move the trial along quickly so the family can get some ease from the hurt knowing that justice is being pursued. Right now it feels like justice is out of reach – this is how I feel and I’m not her family. #justiceforSade

  2. WOW! She almost didn’t make it to Jamaica after planning for so long, but I’m happy for her that she got to go. It’s a REAL experience πŸ’―πŸ‡―πŸ‡²
    Sorry you didn’t get to materialize your other dreams Sade girl, but I know you’re in a better place just by watching this documentary and reading about you – you have an amazing heart I can feel it.
    As for that #%!&^*))# 🀬 I hope he gets to experience EVERYTHING he did to you, EVERYTHING!!!

  3. Kayla Avatar

    Can’t stop crying 😒😒😒 if there was anyone who deserved this it wasn’t this girl. She was a true gem @horrendouscrimes I’m with you on that! And that beast will surely pay for what he did, he can plea not guilty all he want, justice will be served.

  4. Anthony Avatar

    I’m just gonna say it! Black women, leave those white men alone!!! Yes, every race kill each other, but this man did not just kill this woman he cut her up and throw her all over the place disrespecting her in the most cold and callous way. Almost with unquenchable hatred like she did some horrible shit to him or his family. Right now they still can’t find her head 😳 This is some next level racist shit energy vibe right here!

    1. Carlos Avatar

      Man I agree with you 100% man the way this girl was handled is some next level evil hateful racist shit. I can hardly bring my mind to think about what he did to her in that sex dungeon and I can’t even imagine how her family feel right now. Yes black women you need to not get mixed up with these men, they secretly hate you for real.

      1. Anthony Avatar

        Nah, it’s no secret! Black women just refusing to see and accept it.

  5. Janice Avatar

    I’m thinking the same thing Anthony this has some deep seated hate written all over it. Jeffrey Dahmer has said he took minority because he knew no one would care about or be looking for them but I think there was more to it than that just like this Maxwell Anderson guy. Hate for a particular group is at the center of this, and they should also charge him with a hate crime.

  6. Jessica Avatar

    Well one thing is for sure we have to do things differently. And the only way this could have been stopped is if two of her family members or friends went to the restaurant and club with her but sit afar pretending like they don’t know her but secretly watching them. I think he drugged her and the family or friends would have been able to step in. But of course Sade wasn’t thinking about getting harmed by this man, it was a date for heaven’s sake! But that’s why we have to change things up. And then again maybe if he wasn’t able to do it to Sade he would be out here still doing it to other young women, because suspicion is not equal to arrest. Sade was sadly the sacrificial lamb πŸ’”

  7. Desiree Avatar

    This man is definitely a serial killer, not his first time doing this. And maybe he wanted to get caught literally leaving a trail of evidence leading right back to him. Or he was becoming too confident thinking no one will know he’s the culprit. They better start looking into all those other missing Milwaukee young girls, and the ones missing from every City he has ever lived in.

  8. Rest in paradise Sade girl πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ
    This was horrible what happened to you πŸ’”

  9. Gillian Avatar

    Praying for the family πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ can’t begin to imagine what they’re going through especially still not being able to find her head πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    Oh Most High please be with them πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  10. Katherine Avatar

    I wish the authorities had started searching the waters earlier with boats, like when the leg was first found on the beach, they probably would have found her head then before it possibly get pulled out to sea. I can’t imagine not being able to have my family member’s head to put to rest with her other body parts, it’s actually the most important in my opinion. God rest her beautiful soul and give her family strength and peace πŸ™ and I really do hope that Maxwell guy is found guilty and pay dearly for this horrible crime – pleading not guilty, how dare he!!!!

  11. Matthew Avatar

    This sucker needs to be severely dealt with, not cushioned and protected like is being done. They need to send a clear message to him and people like him that this will not be tolerated. If this is how they are treated when they are caught, what is there to be afraid of? What is going to give them pause?

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